392 new still images
775 new animation images — this is why this update took a little longer. Kind of an experiment, one I probably won’t repeat until I upgrade the hardware.
Moved in-game choice menu bars down and to side to obscure less of screen
Morning with Sis
Started Izzy and Yuka stories
More info on “save the school” plot
Date night with Kate
Including teen lesbian flashback
New casual encounter (going for at least one of these every update)
Added “twins” tag
Fixed “Leave” choice bug in school locker room.
Fixed typos (I hope, probably added more).
Reshot some of the “class montage” pics with better lighting.
Remodeled “Analise” character -skin texture was too slow to render, changed face and hair to fit new skin.
Remedied some untracked variables.
Tweaked v0.1 dialogue a little, couple of new choices.
Added 392 new still images.
Added animations totaling 374 images.
Added new relationship tracker, letting you see how much Affection and Passion others have for you.
Added hookups with a couple of girls you already know.
Start building relationships with more girls.
Added a couple of casual encounters in Bad Teacher.
Introduced your sister.
Added the very start of the two big plot things (Revenge/Save the School).
New tags added for moving forward (Futa/Trans, Harem, Loli, Pregnancy, Prostitution).
New game recommended but not vital (old saves will have lagging Affection and Passion numbers, but these are currently just for reference; and a couple lines of dialogue might be different).