The story revolves around Jenny and her family, going through the struggles of life. She went from riches to rags...
Added actual Android version!
Tag: mobile game
The Island [version 0.3.9]
The Island it’s visual novel for adults where you are the Main Character, A wealthy business owner sailing the world on his luxury yacht in the not too distant future. Until one day a family secret…
Celebrity Hunter [Episode13]
Celebrity Hunter is a huge project that has been in development since 2018. Build trust, create friendships and even fulfill their deepest desires or rekindle forbidden plastic love – all the tools in your arsenal…
Between Two Worlds [Chapter 9]
What happens when reality and fantasy start to collide? You and your friends are just normal, run of the mill young adults, enjoying life and friendship. But the game that you’ve been playing is suddenly very real…
Naughty Lyanna [Season 2 v0.22]
It’s the story of a girl trying to reconcile her troubled life and disruptive family with discovering a new naughty side. She moved to a new city, and quickly made new friends. It had everything to be a peaceful journey…
The Golden Boy [version 0.7]
The game revolves around the life of a young boy in his twenties who, due to family problems, is forced to move to a summer house where there are some very attractive women…