0.9.6 A short information about the basement and the new planned stuff for the basement. The basement itself wasn’t planned to be a special location, but I should’ve know better that when I create such a mystery about it, that everyone wants content for it. And because of the new ideas for more harem/group content I’ll change the way the events there can happen. More you can see in the event itself. The first main events for the basement will be added in the next event, I need the results of the outfit polls first. And maybe some of you have some other ideas too.
Changelog v.0.9.6:
– Cassandra’s city trip on the weekend is ready (love path)
– Nicole’s love event, when you sleep with her in her room (love path)
– A new event in the basement, as introdution for the new options that are planned for the harem/group events there. (love/corruption/NTR)
To trigger this event all girls need to had their basement outings (Nicole, Cassandra and Alexis) and Davide can be alive or dead. Cassandra must be on corruption path, on her love path she’ll join the basement in an other update.
– The missing option to fail when you try to kill Frank and start the NTR event
– More changed images (better quality), the intro, most of the living room images, Alexis and Irina’s date,
– fixed more bugs
I was so focused on the complex Alexis basement event that I oversaw a wrong trigger for the new Nicole event and some raw-pngs were left in her (old) first date event, which cause problems there too.
This things are fixed now, so you can play them as they should be. Also an old bug is fixed, so you can enter an event with Cassandra in the club (her toilet event on the corruption path). The new basement event for Alexis is an one time event (her introduction). Nicole’s bedroom event too, for now. It’ll become repeatable in the next update, when I implement the option to sleep in different bedrooms. But for this I need an UI overhaul for the options in the players bedroom.
Also to mention there is an ingame walkthrough, accessible as an app on the phone (dirty little helper) and a cheat menu in the players bedroom.

v 0.9.4
– weekend trips (love) for Nicole and Alexis
– weekend trips for Nicole, Alexis and Cassandra (NTR). Just go on a corruption or love trip with them and have to low relationship and their other NTR events before, see helper.
– A new event with Cassandra when she‘s your basement slut (corruption, 9am)
– more training with Cassandra before she have her second event in the basement (corruption, 9am)
– a event in the parents room at 7pm after you told Bruce to get his hands off Nicole
– some repeatable events won‘t occur anymore when a character has passed a certain point. The repeating at this point won‘t make any sense. (for example the meeting of Martin at the front door at 2pm)
– some repeatable event are reworked, so the haven‘t the same text every time
– you won‘t lose relationship points any longer when NTR is off (that makes no sense then)
– the shaky relation events are gone, that experiment was crap
– The Tyrant bugfixing
– 1 new event with Nicole pregnant in the shower at 3pm (love and corruption)
– 1 new event with Nicole pregnant at the parents room at 7 pm (love/ the missing one from 0.9)
– 1 new NTR event with Alexis, 2pm at the secret place
– 1 new city event for Nicole, Alexis and Cassandra on the weekend (corruption), look in the helper for requirements
– 1 kill option for Davide, can fail in NTR with consequences (trigger automatically after the important Bruce event, more info then in the helper too).
– the contact info menu got more details, like a babycounter and some other stats, accessable by clicking the images in the contact menu on the phone.
– fixed some bugs and typos (couldn‘t reproduce a sleep-bug, maybe need further investigation)
I finally made it. I solved the pregnancy code issues, which were the main cause of the many bugs the game code had, when I implemented it first.
It caused a huge mess because I did some causal mistakes then, so the code would never run bug-free. This was the most difficult I‘ve done so far and I was freaking out because I wasn‘t sure I could ever solve it.
So this is now a part of 0.9, with the pregnancy system and some pregnancy events. This should be the first part of the update, which I planned to release much sooner, but couldn‘t (see above). I tested it extensive, but with the help of many more eyes, I can be more sure that it‘s bug-free. The second part are mostly new events and the killing system, which are most easier to implement. I literally locked myself in to finish them, without any outside influences to get it done until friday.
How the pregnancy works:
You can impregnate a girl when you have a event with them where you can cum inside them. Normally Nicole and Cassandra are still on the pill (getting rid of them are events in the second part), so now you have a chance of 33% that the pill can fail. Or you turn always pregnant on in your room (or turn it always off).
After you inseminated them, they‘ll inform you a few days later (the event for that will start automatically) and you have a last chance to abort it, if you had chosen wrong.
Then you can fast forward to their late pregnancy state (also in your room settings) and have some events with them. For now, a corruption, love or NTR event. Old ones are turned off until I implement more new images/events. The best way to see their state is at 12pm in the dining room.
The last stage is the birth, which you can start at every time in your room again. (There can be some more NTR when you trigger it right/wrong).
When the birth is done you can impregnate them again and again, as often you like. (A baby-counter is also something in the second part update).
So impregnate → getting told about pregnancy → have fun with them in their late pregnancy → birth
– 1 extended event with Alexis at 9pm in her room (need 20/40 love or corruption) to see all
– 1 new event for Cassandra and for Nicole at 4 pm in the basement for love/corruption and NTR paths (Love and Corruption paths are in the helper, for NTR do it once in love or corruption path, then do it again with low relationship)
– 1 new event with Bruce. This triggers automatically, when you get Cassandra or Nicole to a certain point on their love or corruption path. (Just play one of their paths to the end).
– Finished all clothing events. Cassandra will at one event wear only their level 1 clothes, when she came home, and when a girl still wears her normal clothes, it‘s supposed to be for that event that they won‘t change their clothing.
– Fixed some bugs and updated the helper. The NTR night events with Alexis and Nicole will now rotate randomly, at some point it was not possible to see both of them.
– 2 new punishment options for Nicole in the basement (ass on ass event)
– all new clothes for Alexis and Cassandra (buyable in the new shop)
they can be gifted at 12pm, but they won‘t wear it at all their events yet
– 1 new NTR event for Cassandra (to start you need to have her weekend event one time done, relationship under or 5 and knew Frank (the tanning saloon owner)
– the weekend morning event, where you can tell nicole about the „girl(s)“ you found. The event changes when you reached certain events with the girl (like you made someone a slut, for example).
– Fixed some bugs
– Some minor changes (like changing buttons or a skip repeating option for some events).
Hello everyone,
after some testing I found the solution for the crash and out of memory errors. Some older/slower graphic cards seems to have problems with webp images. After just renaming the extensions, it works now. (I got positive feedback from testers).
Also this version is modified to run smoother and the position of some images are fixed now, some layers were glitching in 0.8.
– 2 new punishment options for Nicole in the basement (ass on ass event)
– all new clothes for Alexis and Cassandra (buyable in the new shop)
they can be gifted at 12pm, but they won‘t wear it at all their events yet
– 1 new NTR event for Cassandra (to start you need to have her weekend event one time done, relationship under or 5 and knew Frank (the tanning saloon owner)
– the weekend morning event, where you can tell nicole about the „girl(s)“ you found. The event changes when you reached certain events with the girl (like you made someone a slut, for example).
– Fixed some bugs
– Some minor changes (like changing buttons or a skip repeating option for some events).
v0.75 Part 2
– Extended the Alexis shower event at 7am
For the corruption path a high corruption or the first basement event with her are needed.
For the love part the first basement event with her is needed.
If there event changes, you’ll get a green icon as known from other events, so you’ll know when you meet the requirements.
– Nicole’s basement love outing. (see helper for requirements)
– Showering with Nicole at 3pm is extended (need the love basement outing for the love path, or the corruption basement outing for the corruption path)
– Fixed the messenger bug for Irina’s love date and the love date itself
– Fixed many other bugs, like the false face positions and the wrong new hovers
– the love options for Irina’s date
– the second lesbian date between Alexis and Irina (with NTR also, but only for the NTR path of course), Note: the event before in the players room must be done again, I forgot to set a trigger.
– a new animation (when you have sex with Alexis at her love date)
– adding a option to name your saves
– set the frames to transparent, so there’s no background on the text anymore (more to see from the images)
– the messenger, which you can use to find events or go on dates and receive messages
– adding some images, for giving gifts were some missing
– fixing some bugs (not all, others will be done with the script-patch)
The messenger itself need some polishing (also script-patch), but it’s working for the planned things. And there’re some changes, you’ll get a invitation through the messenger for the following events:
– Dates with Irina
– The new lesbian date
– The NTR date between Davide and Alexis at the secret place (weekend)
– The NTR subway event with Nicole (weekend)
Also you’ll receive some messages from Nicole, (love path) and you can reply to them (love or corruption). But you can only reply to the latest message, so if you want to get the chance to reply to all of them you can start a new game or cheat the points lower. She can also send you images. Corruption and NTR-player have to wait for the patch, then I’ll activate there options.
All messages you receive happens to a certain time and maybe a certain day (Irina dates and NTR-stuff), so you need to play maybe a few days until you get a message.
+1 new coruption event for alexis
+1 new corruption event for cassandra
+1 new love event for cassandra
+1 new ntr event for alexis
+ new clothing system for nicole
+ added new daily interactions
muy buen juego los gráficos excelentes solo en ingles cuando en español gracias amigo
Please update android version.
Not yet! As the android version comes out, it will appear on the site!
Je n’arrive pas a faire train her more, + cerrains evenement que je peux jouer etc…
Please update JD/ SzD mod for Android
request translation into portuguese if it comes ^^
137 / 5000
Resultados de tradução
hello I would like to ask the mod to be able to get pregnant and make the girls pregnant because the standard cheet of the game is disabled, when using the mod
When will be next update of this game going to released.
el patch en español tiene un error en la linea 23 y no me permite abrir el juego.