Color of My Sound is a Sci-Fi Thriller and Erotic visual novel. The story began when a rebellion erupted across the Empire’s worlds on an unprecedented scale and humanity faced an uncertain future for the first time since the Empire’s inception…
Tag: Creampie
Melodic Dates [version 1.6]
Melodic Dates is a musical dating simulator that features real scenes with real models and actresses, with a big progression for each one and a big diversity of characters…
Far-Off Friends [Version 0.7]
Your father passed away recently due to a long fight against cancer and you never knew about your mother. During his will reading, you got even more confused, due to the will having more heirs than you were expecting…
Added actual Multi Mod and Italian Translation!
Tune in to the Show [Episode 7]
After two years of living in solitude, a chance to start anew presents itself when you get chosen as a participant in a new TV show. You’ll be living with 7 strangers for a month…
Personal Trainer [version 1.1.2 Remake]
You come home to find your fiancée in bed with another man. This event sparks a downward spiral which eventually leads to you losing your job and the life you’ve created…
The Agency [Episode 1-3 v0.9 + Episode 2 v1.0.2 Final]
A young dude is trying to figure out life while juggling family drama, school, and his dreams. Along the way, he shapes his future by the choices he makes, and meets a parade…