Max, a beloved and despised character who lives with his two roommates and his landlady. Alice, who recently graduated high school, and Lisa, a similarly hard-working student, are both studying hard to obtain admission to the best colleges. The game will showcase a lot of excitement, emotions, and passions. In addition, each season encompasses numerous secrets and mysteries…
Release date: 24 January, 2025
Genre: 3DCG, Male Protagonist, Big Ass, Big Tits, Corruption, Inc, Voyeurism, Teasing, Milf, Humor, Romance, Visual Novel (VN), Virgin, Anal Sex, Creampie, Handjob, Lesbian, Oral Sex, Vaginal sex
Censorship: NO
Developer: Krugger
Platform: Windows, Linux, Android
Version: Remastered P2 + Before the Remastered
Language: English + Italian patch
Size: 798 MB