Color of My Sound is a Sci-Fi Thriller and Erotic visual novel. The story began when a rebellion erupted across the Empire’s worlds on an unprecedented scale and humanity faced an uncertain future for the first time since the Empire’s inception…
Tag: Romance
City of Broken Dreamers [Ch.15 version 1.15.0]
Los Angeles, 2042. A city ruled by corporations. A city ruled by the elite. A city that exemplifies the best and worst of the American Dream…
Forbidden Passion [version 0.12.0 Premium Edition]
Forbidden Passion is about the story of a young man who’s been kicked out of his house and now has to manage this chaotic life, while having to take care of the woman and people he loves the most…
Reunion [version 0.70 New]
The MC will have to come face-to-face the past as well as with dark side of his hometown and finally, after many years, close this chapter of his life. Help the MC find out the truth by playing “REUNION.”
Tune in to the Show [Episode 7]
After two years of living in solitude, a chance to start anew presents itself when you get chosen as a participant in a new TV show. You’ll be living with 7 strangers for a month…
Candyman [version 1.01 Final]
From dishwasher to millionaire… a dream that many have dreamed and failed. But you have it in your hand! You are young, dynamic and just finished high school. Together with your mom and your…