Main character (a guy or a girl, your choice) from a small town turns 18 and it’s time to go to college…
Silent House [Episode 2]
Our character is a normal high school student who goes to school routinely and helps his mother at home when he returns. He wants to succeed and save his mother from this life, but life has other plans…
Wicked Paradise [version 0.19.7]
Take control of a young man who struggles to find a place in the world and doesn’t know what lies before him. Discover people stories around you and your inevitable consecration into a world of crime…
Stolen Destiny [version 0.1.9]
You start the game with a guy named Nick. The beginning of his adult life brought him several unpleasant surprises…
Neighbor [version 0.2.6 Final]
The game about the relationship between the protagonist and his new neighbor named Nastya is built on the principles of monopoly. In a sense, it is a simulator of family life...
A New Beginning [version 0.14]
A small family becomes embroiled in a series of misadventures and mishaps when they come into possession of a ‘magic’ book. This leads to extraordinary events for the MC and all the women around him and to discoveries about the book…