The story centers around the main character after graduating high school and looking to attend a college. As a regular guy, his life was fairly uneventful. But a phone call from his…
Tag: Incest
The Lost Love [Episode 5 Upd.3]
The Lost Love is a hot story about betrayal, lust, insanely beautiful women and, of course… love…
16 Years Later! [Episode 14 Romance route]
A man of great fate returns home to his three stepdaughters after 16 years in prison. The girls have grown up. The man soon realizes that he feels more for the girls than paternal love. Be kind or be strict. It’s up to you to get the girls…
Summer Story [Version 0.3.1]
This story is about a young girl and her two younger brothers, who came to live with her for the whole summer. We will take on the role of the eldest brother and start making history on his behalf…
Affexon [Version 0.31 Public]
In a modern world, where every abnormal thing is considered normal, you are born as a healer, still in his earlier learning stages coming to his Aunt’s house for internship…
Big Brother: Another Story [version 0.07.02 Rebuild]
Big Brother will return, but as a new story! It will share many similarities to the original, and will also include new gameplay features and storylines…